What Child is This?

Dear Friends and Family,

It is hard to know how to describe this unusual year of ups and downs! So many of you, likewise, seemed to have experienced numerous unexpected challenges of your own.

Admittedly, when I thought about my 2024 yearly letter, I wasn't sure exactly how to begin. However, I was reminded that I need to daily affirm God being right there in the midst with me, knowing the future, even when life has changed in ways that are not always as I would have chosen.  Even so, there remains much for which to be thankful in 2024. Just the fact that our country has witnessed some pretty undeniable answers to prayer brings hope to my heart. 

Our children and grandchildren continue to be a source of joy. Their exuberance and love of life bring smiles and fun memories both now and anticipated. For sure, there is usually "another birthday" to celebrate on most months! These milestones are always anticipated at their young ages! One of my “grammie” projects through this past year was to compose personalized songs about each child to learn and play as a birthday gift. I was relieved when I finally made it through all 7 celebrations! Whew!!

Always “another”  


Melody remains active teaching piano students, working in the church with the children, and singing in the adult choir. It's hard to believe that Matthew (quite the "computer whiz”) now is currently in his third year of college! The guitar and drums seem to be a favorite pastime. (Not sure how the piano and violin seem to have faded from the current list?!) Jordyn, now  to turn eleven, is enjoying the nearby, smaller Christian elementary school. She seems to be showing acting and singing talent in local productions for kids her age as well as the church children's choir.

Mark is still applying for full-time professor jobs. He had been hired to work at a private Dallas Christian prep school this past fall but, after serious thought, decided he would not be using the college-level subject teaching skills he has worked so hard to achieve. He very much liked the fine people who were in charge and appreciated their very kind understanding when he explained his concerns. Unfortunately, he had to return to the grueling schedule of night stocking at the nearby Kroger market this fall to wait for the spring semester to begin.

He will be back to adjunct jobs in mid-January while continuing to apply for full-time positions which offer needed benefits and stability. I am proud of him for not giving up; I know it has not been at all easy. Please, pray the right door may open soon and provide the income he needs with the blessing of a positive educational setting where he can excel. He has much to give to students.

Melissa and Darin’s amazing garden!

Melissa and her very active "crew of five" are enjoying the nearby co-op homeschool on M, W, F founded by a former high school friend. They are still instructed at home by their mother on T, Th. The family, under Darin's capable guidance, has quite a wonderful vegetable garden and numerous fruit trees. The expansive wooded creek bed on their Lucas property provides hours of adventure for all! Their love of swimming, music lessons, the girls in ballet, etc., keep them busy, busy, busy! Hamsters, lizards, and critters of all varieties are currently favorite pets. Our entire family mourns the deep, sudden loss of Darin’s mother, Linda Bjork. Our entire family all loved her as if she were our own flesh and blood and we miss her very much! 

Cousin fun!

Our dear Linda, 

missed by all!

“All hands on deck!” to prepare the garden bounty 

I love and appreciate still the pleasure of rehearsing and accompanying the College Singers under the amazing Shane Studdard. It is the one activity that has remained a steady constant in my life.

Renaissance Dinner Theater 

Our little church has gained some new members in the past three years when I was not able to be in attendance. I am enjoying getting to gradually know them along with renewing old friendships from earlier days.

Westminster Presbyterian 

My little house (if you can ever find it through the winding maze of Lake Kiowa East) is still a "work in progress," with some unexpected delays. However, little by little it is slowly coming together. I will have lots to sell or give away eventually when I know what definitely needs to go! I am learning the meaning of "being content!" as I wait, knowing that it will be “done right” by our long-time friend and building expert, Don! 

105 Santa Fe Trail

I wish you a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

